Why Whet Ink?
Committed to the re-imagining of classics through intersectionality and fostering new works by artists from marginalized communities…
Whet Ink Productions creates films, podcasts and staged theatre productions that break traditional forms and brings to the forefront experiences and stories from marginalized communities to better enlighten, engage and invigorate contemporary audiences.
In this, audiences witness classics (Shakespeare, Marlowe, Arthur Miller, etc) in new and exciting ways, from a different perspective, further illuminating the text anew. Furthermore, audiences are exposed to new works from artists not normally showcased predominately on commercial platforms, bringing fresh, exciting, new untold stories to light.
Whet Ink Productions is fiscally sponsored by Fractured Atlas, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are fully tax deductible to the extent permitted by U.S. law. Our work is made possible through support from sponsors and donors like you.
For more information please contact us at whetinkproductions@gmail.com